To help you heal naturally by aligning your spine and restoring your nervous system function
Dr. Laura Ferrao
Founder and chiropractor at Healthy Spine Austin
If you have one head, it should be sitting on top of your neck and body straight, in a vertical line.
If your head is not on straight, there can be irritation effecting cranial nerves, spinal nerves, and a decrease in blood flow throughout the body (yikes!). This can contribute to migraine headaches, other headaches, neck pain, and neurological complications.
If you have two legs, you should be able to stand on both of them equally.
If one leg is contracted and shorter than the other, it usually comes from a misalignment of the pelvis and lower back. Most of the time it goes unnoticed because your body has the ability to compensate. If you usually stand buckling one knee and swaying your hip to one side, you most likely have one leg shorter than the other. This can contribute to back pain, knee pain, sciatica, and other lower extremity conditions like numbness and tingling.
When your head, neck, and pelvis are in alignment, your body has a better chance to heal itself.
Most of us go through life and we have accidents, falls, injuries, or repetitive micro-trauma like hunching forward for hours in front of a computer. Over time, these events can disrupt your spine's proper alignment. You can be walking around not knowing your spine is misaligned, but feeling that “something is off,” or you may be experiencing pain right now. The spine is the house that protects your nervous system and if your spine is misaligned, the nerves will be irritated, resulting in pain and discomfort.